Notice Board



Attention. Rini Hills 2 will fully implementing new boom gate system starting on the 1st March 2022 (Tuesday), and the existing old card readers will be removed. Hence the old access cards may not be workable starting on the above date as well, but only can use the new access cards. For those who still not collecting the new replacement access cards, you may have problems when entering the gate as the old cards are no longer valid. Please get new access card from respective Ketua Lorong. Thank you.

Who does not have the new access card, please use 'Visitor Lane' and to report to Security before entering RH2 like other visitors.

Date : 28-Feb-2022


Please be informed, for those who plan to carry out house renovation works (Duration: 3 days or more), you need to get permission from PPRH2 Management by submitting request form. You may handover the complete form to PPRH2 committee member or to RH2 Security. Thank you.

Download request form
Peraturan Kediaman RH2

Once approval is granted, the third page of the form must be shown to the Security when contractor come to RH2 for the work.

Date : 26-Aug-2021
Reviewed : 13-Sep-2022


RH2 Delivery


"Peraturan Kediaman RH2" is referred.

(A) General renovation such as cleaning and painting, electrical wiring, vynil flooring installation, etc. should only be carried out between 8:00am and 6:00pm on weekdays. Renovations are NOT allowed on Sundays and public holidays. 

(B) Noisy renovations within the houses such as demolishing of walls, removing wall/ floor finishes, cutting of tiles and heavy and excessive drilling works, etc. can only be carried out between 9:00am and 5:00pm on weekdays, and between 9.00am and 12.00pm on Saturday.

(C) Noisy renovations are not allowed on Friday, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and eve of major public holidays (i.e. New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya Puasa and Christmas Day).

Download request form

Note: Above are subject to changes or as and when new process is implemented, which will be informed from a time to time through official notice. Thank you.

Update : 11-Sept-2021


  • All visitors/outsiders must stop at the guardhouse and show his/her IC card or driving license to the Security for scan and record purposes.
  • Residents with expired access cards are also required to show his/her IC card or driving license to the Security.
  • Residents with expired access cards but the card malfunction will be required to show any document/ proof of payment to the Security


RH2 access card price list.

a) Registration (no.1 & 2):Free 
b) New card (no.3 & 4):RM25/pc
c) New card (no.5 till 8):RM50/pc 
d) Replace malfunction card:Free** 
e) Replace damaged card:RM30/pc
f) Replace missing card:RM30/pc

**the problematic access card must be returned to Ketua Lorong before get the replacement

Each house are allowed to have maximum of eight (8) active access cards at a time. Any request to purchase the next card is not allowed.

Issue Date: 01-Jan-2018
Reviewed: 28-Apr-2023


a) Elakkan pemanduan kenderaan melebihi 30km/j di dalam kawasan perumahan Rini Hills 2 (kelajuan boleh membunuh)
b) Jangan letakkan kenderaan di hadapan pagar atau menghalang laluan orang ramai terutamanya kepada jiran-jiran anda (letakkan kenderaan dlm kawasan rumah sendiri)
c) Jangan tinggalkan rumah tanpa mengambil langkah keselamatan seperti mengunci pagar/gril dan simpan harta benda anda agar tidak dapat dilihat untuk mengelakkan kecurian (pastikan pintu ditutup dan berkunci)
d) Elakkan pencemaran bunyi dengan membuat bising yang keterlaluan sehingga mengganggu ketenteraman jiran-jiran anda (elakkan bising pada waktu malam)
e) Jangan biarkan sampah sarap bersepah atau tidak di bungkus dengan sempurna kerana ia menyebabkan persekitaran kotor dan jiran-jiran rasa tidak selesa (bersama-sama jaga kebersihan kejiranan Rini Hills 2)
f) Jaga dan kawal haiwan peliharaan anda dengan baik agar tidak menyebabkan masalah seperti najis haiwan yang bersepah, kanak-kanak di cakar/digigit oleh haiwan peliharaan atau kerosakan harta benda jiran-jiran akibat haiwan yang terlepas dari kawalan (masukkan ke sangkar atau di dalam kawasan pagar)
g) Bertegur sapalah dengan jiran-jiran anda agar anda kenal siapa mereka agar mudah untuk anda bekerjasama dan saling membantu menjaga keselamatan rumah dan ahli keluarga terutamanya ketika hendak meninggalkan rumah dalam tempoh yang lama
h) Tegur jiran-jiran anda dengan cara paling berhemah sekiranya mereka terlupa untuk berusaha menjadi jiran yang baik kepada anda, jangan marah atau memaki, tetapi tegur dengan senyuman dan sabar

“Be a good neighbor, live together in peace”

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